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Showing posts from March, 2021

Evie's Double Whammy and Why I'm Speaking Up About Anti-Asian Racism

My first memory of really recognizing I was different was in 4th grade in a mostly white town.  I was riding a different school bus with my friend to go to her house.  A boy (whose name I will always remember) started chanting "Ching chong, wah wah..." over and over again throughout the bus ride.  I ignored him. I had no power on this bus . I was stunned that a boy I didn't know would tease me like that. I went home and told my parents, and my dad joked about it, saying next time I should tell him he speaks "Gobble Gobble." We all laughed, and laughing was what I needed that night.   I tucked it away in my memory, but I knew that the incident had bothered me.  My mom found out another time that I was being teased, and she took action and initiated what became a cultural immersion day in my elementary school.  In middle school, a girl in my class made sure I understood I didn't belong at her table, motioning to all the other girls at the table and announcin

Evie Plays with Potato Head

We are up to 121 subscribers in 2 months!  Please click Like and also Subscribe so that we can reach the 1000 subscriber requirement to be on Kids YouTube (right now we are on regular YouTube, in a vast sea of home videos. :)   We would love to have representation of kids with Down Syndrome on YouTube, so that other kids see that differences can be special!  Thanks for subscribing and spreading the word!