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Becoming a Toddler, Evie-style.

Hi everybody!  Mommy said I could blog about what it's like to go from being Baby Evie to Toddler Evie.  It's awesome.  I can now tell everyone when I am so happy to see them by clapping my hands over and over again, or I can tell them that I don't feel like talking by whirling around quickly and putting my face in Mommy's neck.   I can also reach things on the table when people aren't looking. 

Recently, I've been working on a few things that I'd like to share with you.  

I am working on picking things up and putting them down. I'm awesome at picking up big objects, but don't like to let go of them when I'm supposed to.  I let go of things in the car so that they fall out when the door opens, or out of my high chair so that Mommy has to pick it up.  
Working on taking caps out of the container and putting them in. 
That tube that you see in the picture above is actually an oximeter cable, which is to measure my oxygen saturation and heart rate. Mommy and Daddy were checking because I am being weaned off my sildenafil medicine for my pulmonary hypertension.  My Oxygen sats were 100%!  Woohoo!  It feels great not to be as tired as I used to be anymore.

I'm also working on understanding this thing called winter. Mommy keeps bundling me in all sorts of coats.   I actually really like wearing hats.  I think they are funny.

While Mommy likes to limit my screen time, I have very much become a fan of my Wheels on the Bus app.  I get to play this for a few minutes each day, and I'm learning how to make the horn on the bus go beep beep beep.  Mommy would like to share that she figured out how to make it so that I don't close the app whenever I touch the screen.  It's called "Guided Access" as a setting on the iPad, and it's awesome because I can sit on the screen and it will still sing Wheels on the Bus for me. 

I am working on crawling.  I don't really want to. People keep making me bend my knees.  I just like to lay there with my hands holding me up.  I have a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, and a developmental therapist who all try to make me bend my knees.  I need to learn the sign language motion for "leave me alone."  They're all nice ladies. I just want to bend my knees on my terms. 

Daddy and Mommy take me out to Wegmans for grocery shopping every week with Grandma, because she loves Wegmans.  So do a lot of other people.  Daddy is teaching me about vegetables. I don't like to take naps when we go out now, because there are so many fun things to look at!
 Mommy says that when I was born, there was a lot of snow. Something about a snowpocalypse in 2014.  This year Mommy put me in a snowsuit and realized that I didn't own boots.  So I wore leg warmer socks on top of my regular socks and we went out to look at the white stuff called snow. I didn't play in it--I don't like it when Mommy puts me down yet.  Maybe another time.  Mommy has ordered boots for me, so I have a feeling she's going to make me touch the white stuff.

I'm still working on my eating.   I'm eating about 5-20 bites of yogurt and purees, depending on my mood.  I only like to drink milk out of Grandma's big girl cup and not my own cup.

In baby playgroup, I've been having a lot of fun.  I don't cry anymore because I think everything is very interesting.When the bus comes to get me, I like to look out the window while we drive. The other kids bring me toys, and I like to eat my snack while they eat theirs.  Oh man--when Ms. Jessica brings out the big purple ball and bounces each kid on top of it while everyone sings...that's my thing, baby. I love that.

So...being 13 months old is going well so far!  I hope that you all stay warm in the white stuff!



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