I thought that winter was almost over, and that we had made it without a stay in the hospital. I spoke too soon...here we are in the cardiology unit of Boston Childrens for an unexpected stay. Evie started with a cough and runny nose, and just went downhill over the next few days. She started breathing rapidly and was crying frequently. We were told that if her oxygen saturation levels went down to 90%, that we should go to the hospital. I called Pediatrics and the nurse said to go to the ER, and offered to call me an ambulance. Evie was smiling and playing with her toys, so I figured driving in was just fine. I emailed the cardiologist and he agreed that we should go in. Here's Evie looking at her new accessory, aka hospital wristband. No wait in the ER! Woot! I was affirmed by the cardiology fellow for bringing her in. They saw her oxygen saturation levels dip a bit while we were there, and that won her a ticket to stay overnight for monitoring. Evie enjoyed the ride in M
While sharing our journey with Down Syndrome, we want to help other parents with our experiences, as well as spread awareness about what it means to have Down Syndrome (spoiler: it means great things!).