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Showing posts from July, 2017

A Tribute to the IV Pole from a Tubie Mom

Last night, for the first time since she was born, Evie didn't get a formula feed overnight, and she didn't even get water overnight (for hydration).  She slept like a typical child in her crib, with no hookups.  I didn't have to hook up the 24" right-angle Y-port extension tube into her tummy and through a hole in her Zipadee Zip to the G-tube pump.  My husband didn't have to prep the 500 ml feeding bag and wait until she was asleep to hook up the feeding tube.   He didn't have to wake up at 5 am to turn off the g-tube pump when the alarm said the feed was done.  We didn't have to wake up because the flow was interrupted by her tossing and turning and the alarm didn't have to go off.  SHE didn't have to wake up soaking wet because there was a leak, or because the tube somehow became disconnected overnight. With that, I want to post a tribute to the IV pole.  It has faithfully stayed by her bed, standing guard and holding her food for 2 and a ...

Tube Weaning and Mountains of Furniture

First Mommy, and then a note from Evie! Mommy says: At this time a year ago, we did a happy dance if Evie opened her mouth for any food.  She started eating more purees from pouches, and showed a love for apple and mango flavors.  But we were only counting the number of bites she took last August.  Fast forward to June, and we are counting the number of ounces she eats.  She averages 12-14 ounces a day, plus 2 boluses of 120 ml of Pedicure Peptide during the day. She is still mostly on purees and yogurts, but we are now mixing in mashed egg yolk and blending real foods like chicken thighs and rice and mac and cheese. She still won't pick up any food and put it in her mouth, except for deigning to lick something once in awhile.  She is also sipping more liquids by mouth too, although we are counting by sips and not ounces.  She has shown that she likes my flavored seltzer water.  That wins the record for most sips! I read on one of my many Facebo...