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Evie's Favorite Blends

This post is dedicated to Evie's first boyfriend JJ, who lounged next to her on the carpet as they g-tubed peacefully together at the same time at the ripe age of 6 months.   He has moved onto greener pastures and now tries to sit on every woman's lap possible.  At the age of 3, he is a lady killer! We love you, JJ!  <3

I wanted to share some of Evie's favorite blended foods.  It's a tough balance when we have to fatten her up, but I have to make blends that taste good by mouth too.  Whatever she doesn't eat orally is thrown in a blender with some formula and put into her tummy by g-tube.  She eats 3 meals a day orally and gets supplemental formula/blends to help her with her growth rate.

We just had our most successful Nutrition visit yet since trying to lessen the amount of Pediasure!  Evie doubled her growth rate from 5 grams a day to 10 grams a day!  I wanted to take a picture.  Hearing "well done" at this visit is enough to make a tubie mama cry out of sheer joy and exhaustion.

So here are some of my favorite blends that taste yummy and feel yummy by mouth or by g-tube!

Beef Bolognese Ravioli
1 package of Trader Joe's fresh Beef Bolognese Ravioli, cooked
1/2 package of Trader Joe's buttered mixed vegetables
3-5 T of avocado oil
Heavy cream, enough to go 3/4 up the height of the food already in the blender

Blend everything together well, depending on child's tolerance of textures.  Freeze in cube trays for later if desired.  Defrost 2 cubes for 35 seconds in microwave and add 1-2 oz of Noosa yogurt with Duocal and avocado oil and mix together.

280 calories in 1 cup of the ravioli!

Mac and Cheese

1 box Annie's mac and cheese (made in Instant Pot in 2 min!), made with heavy cream instead of milk and add 2 T of butter
1/2 package of frozen sweet peas, thawed
fresh spinach or kale as desired
heavy cream, up to 3/4 of the height of the food already in the blender

Blend everything together and freeze as desired.  As always, add 1-2 oz of Noosa yogurt (Evie likes the honey flavor) and mix with Duocal and avocado oil.  

270 cal per serving!
Overnight Oats

Soak 1 cup of old fashioned oats overnight in a square tupperware full of heavy cream.  Add sliced bananas or whatever other mix-ins you like in your oatmeal to soak overnight as well.  You can cook the oatmeal or just blend as-is in the morning.  Add avocado oil and Noosa honey yogurt generously in the blender with the oats mixture.  Add a splash of cinnamon.  Blend as desired.  You can also add in a a pouch for flavor. We use Happy Tots Super Morning apple or blueberry blends for flavoring.  This one impressed our Nutritionist with how we worked in the heavy cream for more calories.

Spinach Tortellini

1 package of Trader Joe's Spinach Tortellini, cooked
1/2 package of Trader Joe's buttered mixed vegetables or frozen sweet peas
3-5 T of avocado oil
Heavy cream, enough to go 3/4 up the height of the food already in the blender

Blend everything together well, depending on child's tolerance of textures.  Freeze in cube trays for later if desired.  Defrost 2 cubes for 35 seconds in microwave and add 1-2 oz of Noosa yogurt with Duocal and avocado oil and mix together.

Sound familiar?  That's because it's the same recipe as the one for Beef Bolognese Ravioli!  I love Trader Joe's!  I'm planning on doing the same with the frozen Chicken Alfredo from Trader Joe's!


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